
Help create traffic safety

Vedrova supports Drive Up Safety for De Warmste Week of Studio Brussel

We think traffic safety is very important and we want to help create it. That’s why we support the Drive up Safety project via Studio Brussel’s Warmste Week. We will be donating €1 per shipment to Drive up Safety from 20 November until 20 December.

Drive up Safety is a road safety organization that wants to encourage all road users to move safely in traffic by focusing on traffic attitude and terrain. They organize workshops and activities in schools and companies around various traffic safety themes such as visibility, wearing a safety belt, distraction and alcohol and drug use in traffic. By doing this, they want to create more awareness and an effective behavioral change.

If you want to support this project but you don’t have any shipments at the moment, a free gift is also very welcome! You can always donate a free gift on IBAN BE93 41321963 8167 with the remark “Support for DUS-project Warmste Week”.

More information about Drive Up Safety you can find via:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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