
How e-commerce influences transport and our daily life

How e-commerce influences transport and our daily life

Nowadays you have access to the whole world, just by clicking on the web. Traveling goes smoothly, skyping with a family member across the ocean or even buying stuff in a foreign country is the new normal. You don’t have to be physically present to do that. But what is the effect of e-commerce on our daily life?


You get up at 7 AM, you rush to get yourself and your kids ready. You quickly eat breakfast, drop the kids off at school and head to the office. Will you be on time? You never know. In a lot of cases you’re stuck in traffic. Have you looked around you in that situation? There are big trucks in traffic and a lot of small vans carrying your online shopped goods.


Every day, at least 3 small vans make a stop at our office to drop off letters and packages. Why wouldn’t we consolidate those coli’s, so only 1 van needs to drop by? A network of central placed logistic centers could handle the cargo.
Another solution for the congestion could be to go back to what we used to know in the beginning of the e-commerce story; central pick up points at local shops. It could be more refined, so we can use the big truck that needs to deliver to the shop anyway. He can carry the online shopped parcels as well as the big pallets.

Read also about other elements that have an impact on road transport in our blog: “Anyone ignoring the digital highway will be left stranded on the emergency lane”


Congestion isn’t only about losing time; the economic and environmental costs are high as well. Companies always have fixed costs (fuel, wages, insurance…), congestion or no congestion. Solutions as mentioned above would be more time and cost efficient and the environment would be grateful as well.


You may think you gain time by buying online, but is that really the case? Do you need to have your new shirt the next day or is next week fine as well?
And what is wrong with an old fashion shopping day and a cup of coffee when your feet start hurting?

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