Code of conduct
Establishing general principles throughout our organization
Our code of conduct applies to every affiliate of the Vedrova organization, as well to any individual staff member, who is obliged to adhere strictly to the rules and principles set out in our conduct.
1. Positive work environment
1.1. Discrimination and harassment
Vedrova does not tolerate any conduct, which inappropriately or unreasonably interferes with work performance, diminishes the dignity of any person or creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive work environment.
This includes discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.
1.2. Well-being of employees
Employees must get adequate training and will be encouraged to reach their full potential. It is important that all employees are equally treated with dignity and respect. Vedrova does not accept child labor, forced labor or slavery. Working hours, wages and benefits must be fair and in compliance with the applicable national laws and legislations. Employees are free to associate.
1.3. Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
Vedrova is committed to provide the highest possible levels of safety, health and security for all parties involved by preventing risks to persons, properties and the environment. Business partners must also comply with these requirements.
Vedrova is committed to providing all employees with a safe and healthy working environment. Each individual employee has the responsibility to meet this commitment by following all health and safety procedures and by maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
Any accidents, unsafe equipment, unsafe practices and conditions in the workplace, including drugs and alcohol, must be reported to our HSE manager.
Vedrova is committed to ensure that there are minimal environmental impacts from our daily activities, which will be continuously monitored, in order to ensure continuous improvement.
Vedrova is committed to deliver services of high quality and has applied a Quality Assurance System in order to monitor its service level and strive for continuous improvement.
1.4. Financial integrity and confidentiality
Vedrova will respect the integrity of record keeping and reporting systems. All Vedrova employees and subcontractors are required to record and report information in a honest, accurate and timely way and must respect as well Vedrova’s responsibility to uphold all relevant financial accounting and reporting standards and regulations.
Each Vedrova employee has the obligation:
- to protect Vedrova’s physical assets and intellectual properties
- to manage company records responsibly
- to protect private records and proprietary information, whether they belong to our company, business partner, customer or employee.
2. Work integrity
We seek competitive advantage through excellent performance, never through unethical or unlawful business practices.
Business relationships, based on trust and mutual benefits, are vital to our success and we will strive to develop mutual advantages, by understanding the needs of our customers, subcontractors and suppliers, but we will always do so honestly, fairly and in full compliance with the law.
2.1. Contract compliance
Vedrova complies with all terms and conditions of our contracts and expect our business partners to do the same.
2.2. Communications
Any written or oral communication made publicly on behalf of Vedrova, is a public disclosure and must be true, accurate, consistent and not misleading.
2.3. Anti-corruption
2.3.1. Anti-bribery
Vedrova applies a zero tolerance policy for bribery. A Vedrova employee must not give or promise any undue advantage to a person in a position of trust, whether in government or in private business. Additionally, a Vedrova-employee must not accept or solicit any undue advantages.
2.3.2. Gifts and entertainment
Vedrova will ensure that its business gifts and entertainment practices are reasonable and consistent with its policies and relevant local laws and regulations, always keeping in mind that business courtesies are never given or received to obtain or give an undue advantage. They must be moderate in value, always in kind and given or received on an infrequent basis.
2.4. Political contributions
Vedrova does not make any kind of political contributions, but recognizes employee’s right to participate as individuals in the political process, if they make clear that they do not represent Vedrova in the process.
2.5. Money laundering
Vedrova is committed to complying fully with all anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws throughout the world. We will conduct business only with reputable customers, business partners and suppliers, involved in legitimate business activities with funds, derived from legitimate sources.
2.6. Human rights
Our business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
It includes commitments to our workforce, local communities and business partners and covers health and safety, labour rights and the rights of indigenous people.
We seek to cooperate with contractors and suppliers, who contribute to sustainable development and are economically, environmentally and socially responsible.